Monday, May 14, 2012

Sunday in the park...BBQ and the Countdown!

Josh and Camilla - the party hosts!
Camilla sent out a invite to gather in Frick Park for a Proper Sunday Brunch - it was suggested that we all wear white and bring our best snooty snack and beverage.  It was the morning of the Pittsburgh marathon and Anna and Josiah made it to Josh's place only after around 50 minutes of bypassing the marathon route - let's just say we really got to see some of the back neighborhood's of Pittsburgh!

A competitive game of Boce Ball!
Anna and I in our proper Sunday best...
Shortly after convening at Josh's for some bubbly and OJ we walked to the park to enjoy finger sandwiches, properly sliced Wisconsin smoked cheese and many other fine delicious treats.  While I was wondering around taking pictures, others engaged in competitive game of Bocce Ball - careful not to soil their Sunday best...

Zimmerman & Carey
While the women were resting on freshly pressed blankets, the men clipped and lit their fragrant cigars to enjoy a smoke over scholarly conversations of politics and economics - of course.  We were then approached by a few rising film makers who wanted some footage of our proper acts.  We decided to set up croquet and play a game around the park, a perfect past time.

It was a blast to run around the park in white dresses and hats - we only received a few odd looks, but most thought our antics were quite comical.  It was a Proper Sunday Brunch at it's finest..
Even the ladies can properly enjoy a cigar!

Now, I just can't wait until our next themed outing - Hillbilly Breakfast!  (I may have to take the liberty to coordinate this wild outing - yeeeehaw!

The group on our way out of the park after a wonderful brunch!

We finished the week with a BBQ - again at Josh's who graciously allowed us to come over to his amazing porch to fire up the grill.  It was fun to sit around and talk over freshly grilled meats and even peaches.  The food was plentiful as always...  I shared my Grandpa's infamous wisdom about the seven different varieties of farts and we did indeed indulge ourselves in some fart humor?  Hey can you blame us?  I remember Lyssa saying that her kids said that they can't wait to grow up and be mature enough that fart jokes are not funny... Lyssa responded that there will never be a time when farts aren't funny - and if you've reached that point - you're living life MUCH too seriously!

The BBQ with plenty of food as always - thanks Josh for hosting and Zim for grilling!
Guess what - it's my last week of the first year of medical school!  I cannot believe it.  That's all I'm going to say for now - wish me luck as I try to maintain stamina for the final week of studying!

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