Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wedding Bells: Jay and Perry Kelly

Before Paul and I could go to the wedding in Green Bay over the Holiday weekend, we went to Madison to help Foley clean up the Cheateau apartment.  I dug in quickly and claimed the oven as my project.  I cleaned the dirt as Foley and Paul sorted through all of stuff that was left in the apartment.  We tried our best to get everything as clean as good as possible.

Becca was hanging out in her room (Paul's old room) and came back to the apartment after work to smell all of the Clorox and cleaning solutions.  I was fumed to the max!  Although it was gross, we got a lot of work done before the day was over and started to relax.

Friday night Becca, Paul, and I decided to go out on Friday and meet up with Paul's buddies down on capitol square.  It was a blast and we decided to continue on to Plan B!  Haha, I won't go into details, but it was amazing.  Paul and I were dancing up a storm and Becca was mingling around the dance floor.  We got Ravi up on stage (and Paul too!) hahah.  It was SOOO MUCH FUN.  I have to say though that the best part was seeing Becca as we were walking out of the joint.  We saw her bouncing around on the dance floor with a man with a 2 foot tall afro!!

Saturday morning we Paul and I woke up and walked down to Panera Bread to meet with Cindy Carlsson for coffee and snacks.  It was so wonderful to be able to catch up with her and tell her about our plans for school and live in Pittsburgh.  She is such a wonderful person, and I am looking forward to keeping in touch with her over the next few years as I continue through medical and graduate training.

We continued our cleaning campaign and went to Mike Foley's going away party.  Becca came out with us (as Foley's new roommate) and we ate food and relaxed.  It was a nice little party and good to see Foley, Ashley, and Tina again!

Sunday morning, we packed up and started home to get back for Jay and Perry's wedding.  I drove home as quickly at possible, showered and was ready for a wedding in record time.  I threw on my highest shoes and we met Paul at Emmanuel Lutheran in Seymour.  The ceremony was really nice, and Joel and Jay held it together pretty well up there in front.  Curty was double fisting the cameras as usual.

Nothing like some healthy parking lot brews!

Jay and Perry Kelly!

After the ceremony Paul came back to our place and the men packed up Matt's trailer with all of our stuff that was heading to Pittsburgh.  They were able to pack it up really quickly, it was impressive!  We jumped back into dress clothes and headed into Green Bay to see Grandma VB.  Luckily when we walked in, Grandpa was there too, so we were able to spend a few minutes with them.  It was nice to see Grandma looking so well and enjoying herself.

Grandpa and Grandma VanBoxtel - cute as always!

After a short detour to where Legends used to be, we made our way to the reception and enjoyed dinner and drinks.  After dinner it turned into your classic dance party, Wisconsin wedding which was an amazing way to spend my last night in Wisconsin for awhile.

Our Dancing Crew for the Evening!

Paul's hips were not lying that night...

Ohh Hillary, how I've missed thee...
I had a great time seeing everyone and Mom and I had soo much fun that we delayed our departure for Pittsburgh the next day.  It was definitely worth it.  I absolutely love weddings and the fun that goes with them.  It doesn't get any better than a getting down during a Wisconsin Wedding Reception during my last night in Wisconsin!  Congratulations Mr & Mrs. Kelly!

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