Tuesday, June 28, 2011

MSTP Gathering at Our Place!

To cap off a good Birthday celebration I thought it would only be fitting that I host the next MSTP gathering in my small apartment!  I invited everyone over for a Saturday evening dinner so Saturday morning I did some grocery shopping to get all of the ingredients for that evening.  In addition to preparing for the meal by purchasing food, I thought it would also be fitting that I burn some calories, so Michelle and I went up to the gym for a nice long run Saturday afternoon.  Paul spent most of his time sitting at the DMV and waiting for his number to be called. Poor kid.

Anyway, for dinner I made the spicy black bean and spinach vegetarian lasagna and Tiggy salad.  I also set out snacks of bruschetta and couscous amongst other things!  It was a really delicious meal.  I also busted out our Charles Shaw and threw that in the decanter for grins.

The gang, and then some!  Still missing a few, we'll get a group photo yet!

It was a great evening and even though I was running around like crazy cooking, trying to shower, and trying to relax simultaneously!  We were watching the Pirates and indulged in some ice cream bars that Eric donated to the mix.  Those coming from Oakland made their way home a little early, but Josiah, Annie, Eric, Michelle, Paul and I stayed up for a few more laughs and fun games.  It was an epic evening to say the least.  I am really happy that I was able to host and that everyone enjoyed the food! I am sure this summer will be full of other great pot-lucks, and I can't wait!

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