Saturday, July 2, 2011

Trials and Tribulations of Lab...

This last week has been quite interesting...  I have had a rough week in lab while doing a lot of work resulting in, well, no results.  It has been a week of troubleshooting and mini-experiments to try to get the cells that we're using to attach to plates so we can stain them and take pretty pictures.  I turns out nothing has worked so far...

One productive thing that Ryan and I did though was make a sign for Macky featuring creepy Care Bears.  That helped to brighten my week.  We are also in the process of working on a review, so we'll see how that comes out among the midst of these experiments.

I'm not the only one though, our whole team (Me, Macky, and Ryan) were busted during the week.  I guess you have to laugh to get through these trials of research, and if you can hack it, you'll be in science for a while!

On the bright side, my new computer finally arrived via FedEx, woot whoooot!  And, Paul and I had a nice dinner on Wednesday evening.  I don't have class on Wednesdays, so I scampered home and whipped up some spicey pasta and Tiggy salad... it was so delish.  Paul already cleaned out the leftovers, but luckily I have the ingredients for another batch!

Paul enjoying pasta and chicken breast...

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