Saturday, October 29, 2011

Snow in Pittsburgh!

It's a snowing in Pittsburgh and it's only October!  I woke up to Paul this morning who yelled in disgust "Ohhhh Noooo!"... I thought he had broke something important, so I ran out to the kitchen to see what was wrong... he just put his head down and said..."ugh, it's snowing."   Paul and I have different opinions on snow, because I happen to enjoy a few flakes here and there!

Snow in the courtyard of Children's Hospital!

It snowed most of the morning until noon!  I am at the Children's hospital today finishing up a few research projects that have been left hanging for a while.  Western blots take so long to process and finish, it's quite impressive the time commitment to one blot.  I have learned to do two at once now though which makes it a bit easier...  Although, I'm not up to Amin's level yet of doing like 5 at once or 20 PCR plates!  I have something to aspire to I guess!

Tonight, I am going home and doing some major laundry, grocery shopping, and catching up on the odds and ends of life.  We finished our Biochemistry course this past Thursday, so we've had a little bit of a break before genetics hits us in full force.  One more syllabus to get through before I get to go home for Thanksgiving!

The AMAZING view from Joel's front deck... No snow in Wisconsin yet!

More news, Paul finished his USMLE Boards Step 3 yesterday!  We celebrated in style by taking an adventure to Bed Bath & Beyond, and I ran next door to PetCo to buy a fish!  I bought a Beta fish this time, finally one that will survive in the small bowl I have... whoops!  Sorry Blinkin and Dale, rest in peace.  Anyway, I bought a red one, and named it Becca the Beta.... perfect isn't it?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Must find the nearest pumpking...

If you want pumpkin inspiration... look no further than:

Oh the time it took to carve this baby....

When all this biochemistry business is done, you can bet that I'll be trying to track down pumpkins (conveniently located at Home Depot) to carve.... If I remember correctly, I can even buy a turkey costume for my pumpkin to make it fit into my holiday dinner.  I cannot believe that November is creeping up so quickly!  I'll be heading home for Thanksgiving in about a month to see the landscapes of Wisconnie.  Biochem finishes this week, and genetics starts up shortly after...

I feel like Dorothy in a tornado of basic science...  Toto, it looks like we're not in undergrad anymore...  Oh well, at least I can still find time to carve pumpkins!