Saturday, May 24, 2014

Kathy and Dooze Visit Pittsburgh

Dale the terrifying terrier.
Shortly after my parents left back for home, we were expecting more family to visit us out in Pittsburgh!  It's been so wonderful to have numerous visitors over the winter!  This time Kathy and Dooze were going to make there way out in the car to visit for a short weekend.  Dooze has such limited time with school and preparing for all of his activities, that when they found a few free days over winter break, they hit the road!

Kathy and Dale in Frick Park!
Dinner and Waffleonia!

It was a little chilly, but nothing compared to the weather that Wisconsin was getting this winter!  What a great winter for snowmobiling, but it was really daring and SO cold!  So, we took advantageous of the few evenings we had and took plenty of walks around our neighborhood.  It was such a treat to finally get to explore some of the shops and window fronts that I'm forced to walk past each morning.  

Anderson construction team.

We went out for Thai food at Bangkok Balcony and then grabbed dessert at Waffleonia, which is a VERY SMALL shop where you simply order a waffle with toppings, and leave in order for more foot traffic to flow through.  We also found a few gems on the street including a record store!  This record place is a whole shed full of old records - I bet you could spend months inside going through their inventory, it was quite amazing.  We picked up a few cheap CDs to listen too and then made our way to 61C for a quick coffee and tea to warm up.  

Uncle Doozey.

We had to spend some time indoors as well, since it was still winter.  Paul and Dooze put together one of our wedding gifts, which is actually a changing table!  It looks awesome and now serves as our catch all for mail, DVDs, and candles!  I love it! It was such a wonderful visit, and of course it went much too fast! Luckily it was just the start of the year and the many visits to come in the springtime!  

The delicious waffle masterpiece.
The photographic muse of the weekend, thanks Dooze for the pictures!

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