Monday, August 22, 2011

First week of Med School...

First week, day one, was orientation... and a premature slap on the wrist to behave ourselves!  There were a billion social events, of which I participated in mainly one, a night out at Doc's Place (I refuse to call it Mario's).  That evening was mainly a social fiasco between me and Anna, while Josiah had to watch us in fear of our Wisconsin blood exploding on Walnut street.  I laughed so hard I almost peed, and maybe I did a little, I can't remember.  I do however remember being significantly rushed the next morning and smelling like an armpit as I showed up fashionably late for class.  Excellent display alyce, nice work.
Pittsburgh evening skyline, thanks for the picture Nupur!

Another evening that week we went on a dinner cruise which was amazing!  They poured out a little too much Kenny G while dining, but once the music started bumping, I jumped onto the dance floor.  Taylor and I played the roles of Rhianna and Eminem respectively and were going to engage in some sort of physical abuse because we were getting passionately wrapped up in singing. It was hilair.  Eric was feeling a little uncomfortable watching it go down.

Ladies over dinner!

We also had dinner at Zel's house one night which was absolutely delish!  Chinese fajitas, mmmmhmm.  It was a solid crew and we cracked a few laughs over the word "moist" and learned that a Nupur knows someone who hit Kim K's big 'ole buns.  The rest orientation week consisted of me scrambling to finish my MSTP report and submit it.  A good orientation week overall!

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