Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Josiah's Birthday Party at Black Bean!

After much debate, Josiah decided to have his B-day party at a small Cuban restaurant near campus.  What a great decision!  As it turns out, this place had a back room with a dance floor where they used to have DJ's, but on Josiah's birthday they let us have the whole back room for free and Annie was our DJ!

Zel, Birthday Boy, Maria, and Nancy!

We ordered food and were all served massive portions! Even my appetizer was the size of a full blown meal!  The service was great, and the owner's had their two adorable kids there, who requested a piece of Birthday cake - but... only if it was good cake, hahah!  So cute.

Anna, Josiah, Cuban portions, and Annie!

The night really picked up when the owner's dimmed the lights and turned on all of the black lights and strobe lights - it was like a high school dance!  The strobe lights were making me look like I was dancing much faster than I was, but I didn't mind the help.  I was also lucky enough to pick a bright white t-shirt to wear at a black light party! HAhah, man the dancing was fun.  I wish Lyssa was there to rip up the dance floor with me... I was begging people to do the worm, mainly because I knew Lyssa would have!

It was a great night, and I'm so glad that I went out.  I wasn't sure, because I was having a rough day... but then I thought "WWJBD"... "What Would Joel Buck Do?" and I knew that he wouldn't miss an opportunity to celebrate with friends...  I'm so glad I listened.

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