Thursday, September 6, 2012

Uncle Bob's Garden Stir Fry

Slab City Brewing: the magic started in the milkhouse

After driving back to Wisconsin from Wiltshire's wedding we made a short stop at home only to jump into the car and head to the Winsand Compound to grab dinner.  I heard a message in the wind that Vegan Bob was going to be stir frying up a storm of fresh vegetables from the garden, so I wasn't about to miss it!

Big City BOB at the stir fry, in the zone.

I can almost smell the aroma by looking at this photo...

When I walked in, Bob looked like he had seen a ghost, because approximately two seconds before my arrival he had said, "man, if only Alyce could be back from Pittsburgh to join us - that would be great!"... and then I walk through the front doors.  We decided that fate figured that one out for us.  The last time Big City Bob was up in Bonduel was the last time I was in Wisconsin - so our schedules are perfectly in sync!

On my way out to the garden in Bill's shoes!
Before dinner I took the opportunity to grab a garbage bag full of goodies from the massive and elaborate garden that is conveniently located in the back yard.  Bill was rolling around in the mud to get me some freshly picked goodies while Uncle John was making his way through the corn to grab only the freshest ears!  I was so excited to make a healthy veggie dinner the next day with my new loot of vegetables!

Bill in the greens, one with nature.

Uncle John with the freshest ears of corn...

massive SLR camera.
The evening continued as Bob fired up the skillet and Bill brought out his old SLR camera.  The SLR was top of the line at the time - it had to be - because I could barely lift it!  There was some definite heavy lens artillery on that bad boy!  It's amazing how far technology has come in the world of computers and photography.  Bill and Dad are now rapid fire camera men now.  Perfect for emailing and capturing memories quickly!

Dinner was excellent, and we left full and tired from a long wedding weekend.  It was the beginning of a week in Seymour for me to top off the summer. What a great way to start things off!

Ready to throw the veggies and the tofu onto the warm cast iron skillet...

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